Dan Grade Syllabus

Kihon techniques are from kamae, and Kihon Kata are from gyaku tsuki.

1st Dan – Black Belt - Shodan (初段)


1 Ren tsuki on the spot, ren tsuki stepping.

2 Kizami tsuki gyaku tsuki on the spot, gedan barai gyaku tsuki age empi stepping, yoko empi kiba dachi, gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi on the spot.

3 Uraken uchi gyaku tsuki stepping, gedan barai neko ashi dachi moving the front leg, gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi.

4 Uraken uchi (straight) kiba dachi stepping, gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi on the spot, kizami yoko geri gyaku tsuki on the spot.

5 Tate shuto uke stepping, nidan tsuki on the spot, mae geri ren tsuki stepping.

6 Shuto uke stepping, kizami mae geri gyaku nukite shuto uchi (inside) shuto uchi (outside) on the spot.

7 Soto uke stepping, yoko empi kiba dachi uraken uchi gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi on the spot, manji uke kokutsu dachi, morote tsuki kiba dachi.

8 Uchi jodan shuto (inside) gyaku haito jodan stepping, uchi uke shiko dachi gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi on the spot, mae geri mawashi geri gyaku tsuki stepping.

9 Ushiro geri uraken uchi gyaku tsuki, mae geri age uke gyaku tsuki on the spot, age uke gyaku tsuki neko ashi dachi (moving the front leg), gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi (moving the front leg).

10 Mae toby geri tate uraken uchi, shuto uke neko ashi dachi stepping back, chudan uchi shuto kiba dachi stepping (moving the front leg) ushiro kirikaeshi ushiro empi kokutsu dachi, morote araji uke san chin dachi (moving the back leg), mate gedan barai uraken uchi straight, same arm gyaku tsuki.



Candidate chooses one, Examiner one or more, from the following:

Bassai Dai, Enpi, Jion.

Kata Bunkai  at the examiners choice.



Kihon Ippon Kumite (Six attacks).

Free Sparring.

2nd Dan - Nidan (二段)


1 Ren tsuki on the spot, uraken uchi gyaku tsuki.


2 Kizami tsuki gyaku tsuki on the spot, ren tsuki mae empi stepping, gedan barai shiko dachi, gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi on the spot.


3 Uraken uchi gyaku tsuki stepping, gedan barai neko ashi dachi (moving the front leg), gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi.


4 Uraken uchi (straight) kiba dachi gyaku tsuki stepping, kizami yoko geri gyaku tsuki on the spot, mae geri gyaku tsuki on the spot.


5 Tate shuto uke stepping, ren tsuki mae geri gyaku tsuki on the spot, mae geri

ren tsuki stepping.


6 Shuto uke stepping, kizami mae geri gyaku nukite,  shuto uchi (inside) shuto uchi (outside) on the spot, mae geri uchi uke kokutsu dachi on the spot, gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi on the spot.


7 Soto uke yoko empi  uraken uchi gyaku tsuki, manji uke kokutsu dachi on the spot, morote tsuki kiba dachi, gyaku haito gyaku tate shuto zenkutsu dachi.


8 Uchi jodan shuto (inside) gyaku haito jodan stepping, uchi uke shiko dachi gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi on the spot, mae geri mawashi geri gyaku tsuki stepping.


9 Ushiro geri uraken uchi gyaku tsuki, mae geri age uke gyaku tsuki on the spot, age uke gyaku tsuki neko ashi dachi (moving the front leg), gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi (moving the front leg) mae geri ren tsuki stepping.


10 Mae toby geri tate uraken uchi, shuto uke neko ashi dachi stepping back, chudan uchi shuto kiba dachi stepping (moving the front leg) ushiro kirikaeshi ushiro empi kokutsu dachi, morote araji uke san chin dachi (moving the back leg), mate morote araji uke again, gedan barai uraken uchi straight, same arm gyaku tsuki.



Tekki Nidan, Kanku Dai and Hangetsu (one candidate's choice, one examiner's choice) and the explanation of Empi Kata Bunkai.



Free Sparing.

3rd Dan - Sandan (三段)


1 Ren tsuki on the spot, uchi uke kizami tsuki gyaku tsuki.

2 San bon tsuki on the spot, gedan barai uraken uchi gyaku tsuki stepping, shuto uke nukite.

3 Uraken uchi gyaku tsuki oi tsuki stepping, gedan barai gyaku tsuki neko ashi dachi, kizami mae geri gyaku tsuki.

4 Uraken uchi (straight) uchi uke kiba dachi stepping gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi on the spot, kizami yoko geri gyaku tsuki, mae geri ren tsuki on the spot.

5 Tate shuto uke stepping, ren tsuki mae geri gyaku tsuki on the spot, mae geri ren tsuki stepping.

6 Shuto uke kizami geri nukite, shuto uchi (inside) shuto uchi (outside), morote shuto uke (uchi and gedan) san chin dachi moving the front leg, back rotation on the spot, tetsui kiba dachi tate shuto uke zenkutsu dachi on the spot.

7 Soto uke yoko empi  uraken uchi gyaku tsuki, gedan shuto uchi (bending the back leg), morote shuto uchi jodan (age uke and shuto uchi outside) shuto gedan barai neko ashi dachi, kizami yoko geri nukite zenkutsu dachi.

8 Uchi shuto jodan (inside) gyaku haito jodan stepping, uchi uke shiko dachi gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi on the spot, mae geri mawashi geri gyaku tsuki stepping, shuto uke kirikaeshi gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi on the spot.

9 Ushiro geri uraken uchi gyaku tsuki, mae geri gyaku tsuki mae age empi on the spot, mae age empi step back neko ashi dachi, kizami mae geri age empi shiko dachi stepping.

10 Mae toby geri tate uraken uchi, shuto uke neko ashi dachi stepping back, chudan uchi shuto kiba dachi stepping (moving the front leg) ushiro kirikaeshi ushiro empi kokutsu dachi, morote araji uke san chin dachi (moving the back leg), mate morote araji uke san chin dachi again, gedan barai uraken uchi straight, same arm gyaku tsuki zenkutsu dachi.



Bassai Sho, Gankaku, Kanku Sho.

Plus Kata Bunkai



Free Sparing.

4th Dan - Yondan (四段)


Sanbon Tsuki (Gyaku Tsuki, KIzami Tsuki, Gyaku Tsuki).

Oi Tsuki, Soto Uke, Gyaku Tsuki, Kizami Yoko Geri, Nidan Tsuki.

Shuto Uke, Nukite, Ushiro Geri, Uraken Uchi, Gyaku Tsuki.

Kizami Tsuki, Ura Maewashi Geri, Tate Shuto Uke, Gyaku Tsuki.

Kizami Tsuki, Ushiro Gerim Gyaku Tsuki, Kizami Yoko Geri, Gyaku Tsuki.


Kihon Kata

Ren Tsuki, Awaze Uke (neko asho dachi dachi), Kizami Geri, Uchi Shuto, Uchi Shuto.

Gedan Barai, Gyaku Tsuki (kokutsu dachi), Gyaku Haito, Haito Uchi, KIzami Yoko Geri, Gyaku Tsuki.



Sochin, Gankaku, Gojushiho Dai.

Kata Bunkai



Free Sparing.

5th Dan - Godan (五段)


At least SEVEN combinations of candidates choice.


Kihon Kata.

At least TWO combinations of the candidates choice.



Kanku Sho, Tekki Sandan, Unsu.



Free Sparring.

"Karate-do is a noble martial art, and the reader can rest assured that those who take pride in breaking boards or smashing tiles, or who boast of being able to perform outlandish feats like stripping flesh or plucking out ribs, really know nothing about karate. They are playing around in the leaves and branches of a great tree, without the slightest concept of the trunk." ~ Ginchin Funakoshi Karate-Do Nyumon