Bassai Dai (披塞大) Bunkai.

TORI (取り) Oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki - step back - mae geri.
UKE (受け) Morote uke, uchi uke (non stepping) - pause - soto gedan barai, sweep, punch down.


TORI Oi tsuki - uchi uke on spot - step back - two stepping punches forward.
UKE Tate shuto uke, punch on spot - pause - uchi uke (step back), shuto uke (step back) - grab - yoko geri, get far turning over.


TORI Oi tsuki
UKE Morote jodan ude uke (to the left) - double ura tetsui chudan - hand sweep, punch down.


TORI Mae geri, oi tsuki jodan
UKE Gedan shuto, jodan araji uke (same arm) - nakadaka ken - haito uchi to the throat - hand sweep, punch down.


TORI Oi tsuki - pause - mae geri, oi tsuki.
UKE Mika tsuki geri - pause - gedan barai, hansho (same arm) - grab - mawashi geri, mae enpi


TORI Mae geri kirikaeshi, mae geri - pause - oi tsuki
UKE Gedan barai twice (side to side) - pause - yama tsuki.


TORI Mae geri.
UKE Soto gedan barai, tae sabaki - tate shuto uke - shuto uke to the throat - sweep - shuto uchi down.